Source code for coto.session.session

import requests
import json
from urllib.parse import unquote
from colors import color
from .. import clients

def dr(r):
    for i in r.history + [r]:
        if i.status_code < 400:
            fg = 'green'
            fg = 'red'

                str(i.status_code) + \
                    " " + i.request.method + \
                    " " + i.request.url,

        for k, v in i.request.headers.items():
            if k == 'Cookie':
                print(color(k + ':', fg='blue'))
                for c in v.split(";"):
                    c = c.strip()
                    (n, c) = c.split('=', maxsplit=1)
                    print(color('    ' + n + ': ', fg='blue') + unquote(c))
                print(color(k + ':', fg='blue'), v)

        for k, v in i.headers.items():
            print(color(k + ':', fg='yellow'), v)

        if i.request.body and len(i.request.body) > 0:
            print(color('Body:', fg='blue'))
            print(color('EOF', fg='blue'))

[docs]class Session: """ The Session class represents a session with the AWS Management Console. Use the `client` method to obtain a client for one of the supported services. """ def __init__( self, debug=False, verify=True, metadata1_generator=None, captcha_solver=None, **kwargs ): """ Args: debug (bool): Enable debug messages. verify (str | bool): Requests SSL certificate checking. Path to CA certificates file. ``False`` to ignore certificate errors. ``True`` to use defaults (default). captcha_solver (coto.captcha.Solver): Class implementing a way to solve captchas (e.g., send them to Slack for you to solve). metadata1_generator (coto.metadata1.Generator): Class implementing a way to generate metadata1. **kwargs: You can pass arguments for the signin method here. """ self.debug = debug self._metadata1_generator = metadata1_generator self._captcha_solver = captcha_solver self.root = False self.coupled = None self.session = requests.Session() self.session.verify = verify self.authenticated = False self._clients = {} self.timeout = (3.1, 10) self.user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.186 Safari/537.36' if len(kwargs) > 0: self.signin(**kwargs)
[docs] def signin(self, **kwargs): """ Signin to the AWS Management Console. There are various ways to sign in: * Using a boto3.Session object, pass the ``boto3_session`` argument. * Using the Account Root User, pass the ``email``, ``password``, and optionally ``mfa_secret`` arguments. Args: boto3_session (boto3.session.Session): The credentials of this session are retrieved and used to signin to the console. email (str): AWS account root user email to use for login. password (str): AWS account root user password to use for login. mfa_secret (str): AWS account root user mfa secret to use for login. The Base32 seed defined as specified in RFC3548. The Base32StringSeed is Base64-encoded. """ if 'boto3_session' in kwargs: boto3_session = kwargs.get('boto3_session') return self.client('federation').signin(boto3_session) elif 'email' in kwargs and 'password' in kwargs: args = {} for key in ['email', 'password', 'mfa_secret']: if key in kwargs: args[key] = kwargs.get(key) return self.client('signin').signin(**args)
# http requests def _set_defaults(self, kwargs): if not 'timeout' in kwargs: kwargs['timeout'] = self.timeout if not 'headers' in kwargs: kwargs['headers'] = {} kwargs['headers']['User-Agent'] = self.user_agent def _get(self, url, **kwargs): self._set_defaults(kwargs) r = self.session.get(url, **kwargs) if self.debug: dr(r) return r def _post(self, url, **kwargs): self._set_defaults(kwargs) r =, **kwargs) if self.debug: dr(r) return r def _put(self, url, **kwargs): self._set_defaults(kwargs) r = self.session.put(url, **kwargs) if self.debug: dr(r) return r def _delete(self, url, **kwargs): self._set_defaults(kwargs) r = self.session.delete(url, **kwargs) if self.debug: dr(r) return r
[docs] def client(self, service): """ Create a client for a service. Supported services: * ``account`` * ``billing`` * ``federation`` * ``iam`` * ``mfa`` * ``resetpassword`` * ``signin`` * ``signin_amazon`` * ``signin_aws`` Args: service: name of the service, eg., `billing` Returns: object: service client """ service = service.lower() if service not in self._clients: if not hasattr(clients, service): raise Exception("service {0} unsupported".format(service)) klass = getattr(clients, service).Client if klass.REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION and not self.authenticated: raise Exception( "signin before creating {0} service client".format( service)) self._clients[service] = klass(self) return self._clients[service]