Source code for coto.clients.signin_aws

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from pyotp import TOTP
from urllib import parse
import json
from .. import BaseClient
from . import exceptions
import time

def captcha_decorator(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        self = args[0]

        captcha_guess = kwargs.get('captcha_guess')
        solver = self.session()._captcha_solver
        guess_uuid = None

        while True:
                _kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
                if captcha_guess:
                    _kwargs['captcha_guess'] = captcha_guess
                return func(*args, **_kwargs)
            except exceptions.CaptchaRequiredException as e:
                if solver is None:

                if guess_uuid and captcha_guess and captcha_guess.action == e.action:

                guess_uuid = solver.solve(url=e.CaptchaURL)

                while True:
                    guess = solver.result(guess_uuid)

                    if guess is None:
                captcha_guess = e.guess(guess)

    return wrapper

[docs]class Client(BaseClient): REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION = False _REDIRECT_URL = "" def __init__(self, session): super().__init__(session) self.__csrf_token = None self.__session_id = None def _csrf_token(self): if self.__csrf_token == None: self._get_tokens() return self.__csrf_token def _session_id(self): if self.__session_id == None: self._get_tokens() return self.__session_id def _get_tokens(self): r = self.session()._get( "" ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("failed get tokens") soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') meta = { m['name']: m['content'] for m in soup.find_all('meta') if 'name' in m.attrs } self.__csrf_token = meta['csrf_token'] self.__session_id = meta['session_id'] def _action(self, action, data=None, api="signin", captcha_guess=None): """ Execute an action on the signin API. Args: action: Action to execute. data: Arguments for the action. Returns: dict: Action response. """ if not data: data = {} data['action'] = action data['redirect_uri'] = self._REDIRECT_URL data['csrf'] = self._csrf_token() data['sessionId'] = self._session_id() if captcha_guess and captcha_guess.action == action: data['captcha_token'] = captcha_guess.captcha_token data['captchaObfuscationToken'] = \ captcha_guess.captchaObfuscationToken data['captcha_guess'] = captcha_guess.guess r = self.session()._post( "{}".format(api), data=data, ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("failed action {}: {}".format(action, r.text)) out = json.loads(r.text) state = out.get('state', 'none').lower() properties = out.get('properties', {}) if properties.get('Captcha', 'false') == 'true' and action != "captcha": raise exceptions.CaptchaRequiredException( properties['CES'], properties['CaptchaURL'], properties['captchaObfuscationToken'], action) if state != 'success': if 'Message' in properties: raise Exception("failed action {}: {}".format( action, properties['Message'])) else: raise Exception("failed action {}: {}".format(action, r.text)) return properties
[docs] @captcha_decorator def get_account_type(self, email, captcha_guess=None): """ Determine the type of account. Account Types: Coupled: Coupled to an account. Decoupled: Independend from Unknown: Non-existent account. Request Syntax: .. code-block:: python response = client.get_account_type( email=str, ) Args: email: Account email address. Returns: str: Account type """ response = self._action( 'resolveAccountType', {'email': email}, captcha_guess=captcha_guess) return response['resolvedAccountType']
[docs] def mfa_required(self, email): mfa_client = self.session().client('mfa') mfa = mfa_client.get_mfa_status(email) if 'mfaType' in mfa: if mfa['mfaType'] == 'NONE': return False else: return True return True return True
[docs] def signin(self, email, password, mfa_secret=None): # check mfa mfa_required = self.mfa_required(email) if mfa_required and (mfa_secret is None or len(mfa_secret) == 0): raise Exception("account mfa protected but no secret provided") if not mfa_required: mfa_secret = None return self.signin_decoupled(email, password, mfa_secret)
[docs] @captcha_decorator def signin_decoupled(self, email, password, mfa_secret=None, captcha_guess=None): """ Signin into the AWS Management Console using account root user. Request Syntax: .. code-block:: python response = client.signin_decoupled( email=str, password=str, mfa_secret=str, ) Args: email: Account email address. password: Account password. mfa_secret: Account mfa secret. The Base32 seed defined as specified in RFC3548. The Base32StringSeed is Base64-encoded. Returns: bool: Signin successful """ data = { 'email': email, 'password': password, 'client_id': 'arn:aws:iam::015428540659:user/homepage', } if mfa_secret is not None: data['mfaType'] = 'OTP' data['mfa1'] = TOTP(mfa_secret).now() data['mfaSerial'] = 'undefined' # an exception is thrown if authentication was unsuccessful self._action('authenticateRoot', data, captcha_guess=captcha_guess) self.session().authenticated = True self.session().root = True return True
[docs] def get_password_recovery_captcha(self): """ Obtains a captcha for password recovery. The value ``CES`` must be used as ``captcha_token`` in :py:meth:`get_reset_password_token`. Returns: dict: Response Syntax .. code-block:: python { 'CES': str, 'Captcha': bool, 'CaptchaURL': str, 'captchaObfuscationToken': str, } """ return self._action('captcha', {'forgotpassword': True})
[docs] def raise_password_recovery_captcha(self): """ Obtains a captcha for password recovery and raises a CaptchaRequiredException. """ captcha = self.get_password_recovery_captcha() raise exceptions.CaptchaRequiredException( captcha['CES'], captcha['CaptchaURL'], captcha['captchaObfuscationToken'], 'getResetPasswordToken')
[docs] @captcha_decorator def get_reset_password_token(self, email, captcha_guess=None): """ Asks for a password reset token to be sent to the registered email address. The value token url from the resulting email must be used as ``reset_token_url`` in :py:meth:`reset_password`. Returns: dict: Response Syntax .. code-block:: python { 'recovery_result': 'email_sent' } """ if not captcha_guess: self.raise_password_recovery_captcha() try: return self._action( 'getResetPasswordToken', {'email': email}, captcha_guess=captcha_guess) except Exception as e: if str( e ) == "failed action getResetPasswordToken: Enter the characters and try again": self.raise_password_recovery_captcha()