Source code for coto.clients.signin_amazon

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from pyotp import TOTP
from urllib import parse
import json
from .. import BaseClient
import time
from furl import furl

# import os
# import webbrowser

# def view_html(html):
#     path = os.path.abspath('temp.html')
#     url = 'file://' + path
#     with open(path, 'w') as f:
#         f.write(html)

def ap_url(email, path='signin'):
    url = furl(f"{path}")

    url.args["openid.assoc_handle"] = "aws"
    url.args["openid.return_to"] = ""
    url.args["openid.mode"] = "checkid_setup"
    url.args["openid.ns"] = ""
    url.args["openid.identity"] = ""
    url.args["openid.claimed_id"] = ""
    url.args["action"] = ""
    url.args["disableCorpSignUp"] = ""
    url.args["clientContext"] = ""
    url.args["marketPlaceId"] = ""
    url.args["poolName"] = ""
    url.args["authCookies"] = ""
    url.args["pageId"] = "aws.login"
    url.args["siteState"] = "registered,EN_US"
    url.args["accountStatusPolicy"] = "P1"
    url.args["sso"] = ""
    url.args["openid.pape.preferred_auth_policies"] = "MultifactorPhysical"
    url.args["openid.pape.max_auth_age"] = "120"
    url.args["openid.ns.pape"] = ""
    url.args["server"] = "/ap/signin?ie=UTF8"
    url.args["accountPoolAlias"] = ""
    url.args["forceMobileApp"] = "1"
    url.args["language"] = "EN_US"
    url.args["forceMobileLayout"] = "0"
    url.args["awsEmail"] = email

    return url.url

[docs]class Client(BaseClient): REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION = False _REDIRECT_URL = "" def __init__(self, session): super().__init__(session)
[docs] def find_and_submit_form(self, soup, email, password, mfa_secret=None): error = soup.find(id="message_error") if error: message = error.get_text() # Enter the characters as they are given in the challenge. raise Exception(message) form = soup.find(id="ap_signin_form") if not form: mfa_form = soup.find(id="auth-mfa-form") if mfa_form: raise Exception("accounts with Amazon MFA not supported") data = {'metadata1': self.session()._metadata1_generator.generate()} for field in form.find_all('input'): name = field.get('name') if not name: continue value = field.get('value') data[name] = value if "guess" in data: if not self.session()._captcha_solver: raise Exception("captcha solver required") captcha = soup.find(id="ap_captcha_img") img = captcha.find("img") src = img.get("src") guess_uuid = self.session()._captcha_solver.solve(url=src) while True: guess = self.session()._captcha_solver.result(guess_uuid) if guess is None: time.sleep(5) else: data["guess"] = guess break if "tokenCode" in data and mfa_secret: data['tokenCode'] = TOTP(mfa_secret).now() overrides = { "password": password, "email": email, } for k, v in data.items(): if v is None: _v = overrides.get(k) if _v: data[k] = _v return self.session()._post( form.get("action"), data=data )
[docs] def signin(self, email, password, mfa_secret=None): """ Signin into the AWS Management Console using account root user. Request Syntax: .. code-block:: python response = client.get_account_type( email=str, password=str, mfa_secret=str, ) Args: email: Account email address. password: Account password. mfa_secret: Account mfa secret. The Base32 seed defined as specified in RFC3548. The Base32StringSeed is Base64-encoded. Returns: bool: Signin successful """ # first post password response = self.session()._get(ap_url(email)) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') response = self.find_and_submit_form(soup, email, password, mfa_secret) # view_html(response.text) counter = 0 while counter < 10 and response.url != "": counter += 1 soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') response = self.find_and_submit_form(soup, email, password, mfa_secret) if response.url == "": self.session().authenticated = True self.session().root = True return True else: return False