Source code for coto.clients.federation

from furl import furl
import json
import requests
from . import BaseClient

[docs]class Client(BaseClient): REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION = False def __init__(self, session): super().__init__(session)
[docs] def signin(self, boto3_session): """ Signin using a boto3 session. This method uses the federation endpoint to obtain a signin token using the credentials in your boto3 session. The signin token is then used to signin into the AWS Management Console. Although possible, you are not encouraged to call this method directly, instead follow the following example. Example: .. code-block:: python import boto3 import coto session = coto.Session( boto3_session=boto3.Session() ) Request Syntax: .. code-block:: python response = client.signin( boto3_session=boto3.session.Session, ) Args: boto3_session (boto3.session.Session): The boto3 session to use as provider for AWS credentials. Returns: bool: Signin succeeded. """ r = self.session()._get(self.get_signin_url(boto3_session)) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("failed session signin") self.session().authenticated = True return True
[docs] def get_signin_url(self, boto3_session): """ Signin using a boto3 session. This method uses the federation endpoint to obtain a signin token using the credentials in your boto3 session. The signin token is then used to signin into the AWS Management Console. Although possible, you are not encouraged to call this method directly, instead follow the following example. Example: .. code-block:: python import boto3 import coto session = coto.Session( boto3_session=boto3.Session() ) Request Syntax: .. code-block:: python response = client.signin( boto3_session=boto3.session.Session, ) Args: boto3_session (boto3.session.Session): The boto3 session to use as provider for AWS credentials. Returns: bool: Signin succeeded. """ url = furl('') url.args['Action'] = "login" url.args['Issuer'] = None url.args['Destination'] = "" url.args['SigninToken'] = self.get_signin_token(boto3_session) return url.url
[docs] def get_signin_token(self, boto3_session): """ Obtain a signin token for a boto3 session. This method uses the federation endpoint to obtain a signin token using the credentials in your boto3 session. Request Syntax: .. code-block:: python response = client.get_signin_token( boto3_session=boto3.session.Session, ) Args: boto3_session (boto3.session.Session): The boto3 session to use as provider for AWS credentials. Returns: str: Signin token. """ credentials = boto3_session.get_credentials() url = "" response = self.session()._get( url, params={ "Action": "getSigninToken", "Session": json.dumps({ "sessionId": credentials.access_key, "sessionKey": credentials.secret_key, "sessionToken": credentials.token, }) } ) return json.loads(response.text)["SigninToken"]